This program provides quality comprehensive pre-kindergarten services to low income children ages 3-5 and their families. Adams, Clay, Franklin, Hall, Nuckolls, and Webster are covered. We serve 379 children at 17 centers. Services provided include;
Early Childhood Learning Centers have been developed with the following school districts: Head Start C&FDP Inc., ESU#9 and Private preschools. For the current year the school districts are: Doniphan-Trumbull, Franklin, Sandy Creek, Adams Central, Kenesaw, Blue Hill, Silver Lake, and Red Cloud Public Schools.
The mission of the Bi-national Program is to facilitate sustained educational services for bi-national (U.S. and Mexico) migrant students by advocating for these students and conducting effective activities that promote academic student success.
Johnson and Johnson/UCLA/Head Start Health Care Initiative
This project was developed to provide training and information to participating Head Start agencies for the successful implementation of health care literacy programs to our families.
The Hastings Public Schools Preschool room is a combination of special education and ELL (English Language Learners) programs. The special education program is available to children with an identified disability.
Rural Language and Literacy Connections (Rural LLC) is a unique proposal designed to create an intensive, literacy-based early learning program for rural, low-income children in Nebraska.
This program provides comprehensive parenting services to prenatal mothers and parents with children under the age of three. Early Head Start is funded for 144 children in Adams, Clay, Franklin, Hall, Nuckolls, and Webster counties.
The Title One Migrant Education Program provides supplemental education and supportive services to more than one million eligible children nationally. These services help children of migrant workers overcome the disadvantages they face, including disruption to their education.
This program is governed by the Region 9 Preschool Interagency Council (PIC), which meets monthly and has been in existence since 1988. The goal of this program is to provide parents and families who have a child with a disability access to the highest quality of services
CNEC serves children and families in the seven county area of the Central and South Heartland District Health Departments. The project will integrate activities for social and emotional well-being of children from prenatal to 5 years of age.
All children under the age of three who are verified through the multidisciplinary diagnostic process receive services at home or at their child care providers home or center.
CASA trains volunteers to be advocates for children in court because of abuse or neglect. The volunteers are appointed by the judge to be guardian ad litem for these children.